"Astronomy is looking up."


Reviewed July 12, 1997 - Check out the Contact web site.

Based on the novel by Carl Sagan and directed by Robert Zemeckis, Contact opens with a satellite's view of Earth, a jumbled barrage of sounds screaming at us from the thousands of radio and TV signals being beamed from the planet.  Then we are pulled back, the camera looking back at Earth as it passes the moon, then Mars, then out of the solar system.  As we pull back the signals from Earth become older, taking us back to the 1970's, then to the 1950's.  As we pull back the signals become fewer as well, and it doesn't take very long before we hear just one scratchy transmission from the early days of radio...and then silence.

On its surface, Contact centers around the story of one Dr. Ellie Arroway (Jodie Foster), a brilliant young radio astronomer working on the SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) Project.  Fighting both scientific skepticism and financial challenges to her work, Ellie's project is about at the end of its rope when she picks up a signal coming from the star Vega.  There is a pattern, there is a message, and there are instructions for building a machine capable of transporting one person to some unknown destination.  Contact.

Those who have always been fascinated by the thought of intelligent life in other worlds will have much to like in Contact.  Completely ignoring the 'shoot-em-up, little green men' approach, Contact instead explores life in the universe from a scientific point of view, daring to bring up more philosophical and theoretical questions than it could possibly answer.  Who are we?  Why are we here?  Is there a God?  And...how does the discovery of intelligent life on another planet change the answer to these questions?

There's lots of philosophy in Contact, and also lots of wondrous, stunning, and powerful images and performances.  Jodie Foster gives an extraordinarily passionate performance as the scientist who acts on more faith than she cares to admit.  With strong supporting performances by James Woods, Tom Skerritt, John Hurt, and Matthew McConnaughey, this two and a half hour film runs very briskly and conveys both depth and intelligence.  More than just a story about a scientist's quest for extra-terrestrial life, it is also an incisive look into what drives people's beliefs, and the role of both hard science and pure faith on those beliefs.

Contact is, needless to say, a movie worth recommending, its only weak spots being a romantic subplot that never quite works, and the inevitable "encounter" which, perhaps unavoidably, becomes anti-climactic.  Credit goes to the late Carl Sagan for the original vision, Michael Goldenberg and James V. Hart for the screenplay, Jodie Foster for the performance, and Robert Zemeckis for putting this all together.  This film is ambitious in both scope and scale, and it is one that intentionally (and wisely) does not answer many of the questions it poses.  "You must discover those answers for yourselves."  Real interesting concept coming from Hollywood, but go see the movie anyway...  :-)

Responses from cyberspace--thanks for writing!

jessfroggy@prodigy.net gives this movie  stars: "I thought this movie was a really good film. Even thoughit is really long it stays interesting until the end. the film is exciting and good for the family" (8/18/99)

kelly.holmes@natinst.com gives this movie  stars: "What can I say? This movie inspires me." (5/19/98)

Selena gives this movie  stars: "Absolutely breath-taking. Made me realise how small I am and how petty my troubles." (2/15/98)

103332.712@compuserve.com gives this movie  stars: "It raised many interesting questions, and made the viewer think a lot more than what is now common in Hollywood. Jodie Foster was fantastic as Ellie, playing the part very emotionally. She really got Carl Sagan's message across well. James Woods also played the very much disliked military advisor extremely well. The book was a very good interpretation of the book, which I would give 6 stars if possible." (1/29/98)

David gives this movie  stars: "There's not much to say but that it is an excellent film. Jodie Foster blows you away with her BRILLIANT performance and the plot was very very good. The end was good and it really made you think which was great - "If we are the only people on this universe, then it's an awful waste of space!" I really thought that line was clever and I guess, it would be an awful waste of space! Brilliant film!" (1/24/98)

cus55@yahoo.com gives this movie  stars: "I don't think I can praise this movie highly enough. Jodie Foster deserves the Oscar for Best Actress, while all guest cast put in fine performances. What I loved about "Contact" was the way it was so humble. It wasn't trying to be an action-packed blockbuster. It was trying to communicate and argument between science versus faith. A movie with such a strong theme had to succeed. And a particular liking for me was the way the theme was never really solved in the end. It was left up to we, the viewers, to decide for ourselves what really did happen to Jodie on that incredible journey." (12/11/97)

enviro16@aol.com gives this movie  stars: "I saw Contact twice at the theater and I can't wait for it to come out on video. Jodie Foster again plays the perfect role, with Matthew McConauhey perfect as well. I recomend this movie to anyone that has ever dreamed of another place out there..." (11/12/97)

cata@ada.net.tr gives this movie  stars: "i have seen the movie 2 days ago and i'have been still thinking about it. i fear i will never like any other film in the feature since i saw Contact!!" (11/8/97)

andreas@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "I'm going to give this movie the full five stars. The start of the movie was done so groovily. All that silence, all that Outer Spaciness. And frankly, I thought the romantic sub-plot was a good, no no no, a great idea. I could really see something like this happening more than something from Independance Day. Carl Sagan, what a guy. Contact is a refreshing change from your typical new Sci-Fi movie like Spawn or Independance Day. It was DEFINITELY worth the money." (9/1/97)

moniques8@hotline.com gives this movie  stars: "I personally thought this was a great movie. I understand why it didn't seem so great to some people because they committed the grave error of comparing the movie to the real world and logic. Instead of pointing out all the things that don't seem real, you should just watch the movie with imagination. I also thought that Jodie Foster did a great job. It was different from most Sci-fis because it was really about faith and believing in things that we can't see or prove, instead of the usual violent aliens trying to take over the world." (8/2/97)

firstc@softdisk.com gives this movie  stars: "Great idea and the movie starts well BUT it is all downhill from there. Jody Foster does her best but this ardent, focused rocket scientist's mind turns to mush at the sight of babyface McConnaghie. The 'message' of the film is too banal to contemplate - guess what - some people have faith while others need proof. The premise that America, having wasted 23 million dollars on a machine they couldn't even guard properly, would then take over the 'one we prepared earlier' in Japan is too silly. Now let's think about it - would a Superior race, who presumably are intelligent, encourage us to spend all that money to send one person 'somewhere' to discover nothing at all? - for what ? Is this just a big ego buzz for the aliens ? Poor Jodie Foster, great actress, having to make something of this drivel. By the end of the film her character has lost all credibility - the only reason she is not burnt at the stake is because babyface flutters his eyelids at the crowd and says 'I believe her' - Give me a break ! The wonderful special effects make it just bearable. (7/22/97)

ktancuan@holly.colostate.edu gives this movie  stars: "Wow, a movie that actually makes you think! What a concept! But, I must agree, the romantic subplot was rather dry." (7/13/97)

jjames69@idt.net gives this movie  stars: "Very excellent movie!! Great Sci-Fi!! Must go see! But beware Christians, you might find some of the in-depth views of this movie to be slightly offending. But just remeber, this is just a movie, and a great one at that!! :)" (7/13/97)

bvarnell@surfsouth.com gives this movie  stars: "Contact would have to be the best movie of the summer. It was thrilling, scientific . Very little language. I like that in a movie." (7/12/97)

Arrell@seanet.com gives this movie  stars. (7/12/97)