"There are three cases in which you lose all your points.  One: Those who cry. Two: Those who want to see their mamma. Three: Those who are hungry and want some snack. Forget about it!"


Reviewed February 15, 1999 - Check out the Life is Beautiful Website.

Okay, this is a very late review...at this point Life is Beautiful has been out for several months, and has garnered a boatload of awards and nominations (7 Oscar nominations just last week).  Still, better late than never, right?  So, here goes:

Life is Beautiful is a love story set in the midst of the Holocaust.  Written, directed, and starring Italy's Roberto Benigni, its first half tells the story of Guido (Benigni) and his love for a beautiful young girl named Dora (Nicoletta Braschi).  The first hour of this film is a romance and a comedy; it is light, fluffy, funny, and extremely entertaining.  As the courtship between Guido and Dora progresses, we are treated to all of the warmth, energy, and humor of Benigni the clown...and it's a true pleasure to watch.

Then, about halfway through the film, the mood shifts.  It is now 1945, and Guido and Dora are married and have a young son named Joshua (Giorgio Cantarini).  The German army is very much a part of life, and anti-Semitic sentiment is open and visible.  It is at this point that Guido, Joshua and Dora are herded into a train and interned in a German concentration camp.  It is something that young Joshua does not understand, and so Guido creates an elaborate fantasy for his boy.  "This," he explains, "is a game."  You have to follow the rules, do what you're told, and for everything you get points...and the first one to get 1000 points wins the grand prize: a real army tank.

Of course, Guido's goal is simply to keep his son (and his wife) alive throughout this horrible ordeal, and he does so with imagination, love, creativity, and all the luck he can find.  This is the "serious half" of Life is Beautiful, and the result is a film that is extremely funny and poignant and light and powerful and moving.  "Wow," is really all I can say.

For those of you who haven't seen Benigni before, Life is Beautiful is definitely a film to see and experience.  For seasoned Benigni fans, that sentiment goes double.  Having caught this film at a time when it had already received accolade upon accolade, I had fairly high expectations for this little Italian film.  Well, all of those expectations were met and at times exceeded; Life is Beautiful is simply a wonderful piece of storytelling with a very powerful message...enjoy it...

Responses from cyberspace--thanks for writing!

Fuzz Buster gives this movie  stars: "I agree with aliengv...he totaly wears red pants!" (6/4/01)

Sara gives this movie  stars: "Beautiful!" (6/4/01)

tportelli@powerbond.com gives this movie  stars: "I was inspired so much by this beautiful film that I wrote a poem that I would like to send to Mr. Roberto Bengini. Can you tell me where to send it? An e-mail address? Thank you T Portelli" (1/23/01)

caicosman@netzero.net gives this movie  stars: "This is a truly amazing movie. I am not one to cry for movies but I had no control for my emotions at the end of this movie. I love it and would like everyone to watch it. Once again a great movie." (1/5/01)

salhajs@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "It's a touching movie with all the ingredients" (11/8/00)

shashwat@journalist.com gives this movie  stars: "in this savage world, Life is beautiful comes as a poignant hope that all is not lost. Love and sacrifice are two sentiments that have been so beautifully interlaced in the movie, that the movie seems like a fairytale except that one is being constantly being reminded of the tragic environs in which the whole story is located. This is my very first viewing, and Roberto has so deeply created a impression on my mind that i would state that this isnt a mere movie, it is alive with life. check the review on www.nazara.com (mine)" (10/23/00)

carlosvito@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "This film is too good to put into words. It reminds me of my beautiful Italian girlfriend. Go see." (9/12/00)

saynomor@itis.com gives this movie  stars: "I would definatly rate it higher if I could. This is the best movie I have ever seen. The range of emotions it portrays is amazing. It is a beautiful movie in every way possible." (4/12/00)

Adriane gives this movie  stars: "It was jumping" (4/11/00)

china@lightspeed.net gives this movie  stars: "The movie gave the needed lesson of hope. That Love is worth saving at all costs.So many people who survived those camps survived by their own strong beliefs in themselves. This movie tells another story which says that evil has no power to dissipate hope. That love reigns free of despair. How strong this character's love of family, that he would give the full measure of his life for it. Bravo ! A Life well spent! We should all live to Life's full measure. Without fear and to the best of our ability to Love. Thank You, Roberto Benigni." (3/7/00)

darth_davo@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "Absolutely wonderful with lots of laughs and fantastic acting. It deserves all the praise it has recieved for its surprising compassion and emotional story of a family that is there for each other. Life really is beautiful when you see this film." (1/20/00)

Betsy gives this movie  stars: "The title of this very movie explains what life IS. That and sooo much more. LA VITA E BELLA!!!!!" (12/5/99)

Elizabeth gives this movie  stars: "All that I can say is that Life is Beautiful was... BELLA! BELLA!" (12/5/99)

missy084@yahoo.com gives this movie  stars: "terrific !!!" (11/17/99)

cmb3@dana.ucc.nau.edu gives this movie  stars: "Definitely a masterpiece! I absolutely love this movie. It was simply the best movie that I've ever seen. I love Roberto Benigni's energy in the movie. I can't wai to get this one on video. It really makes one feel that life truly IS beautiful!" (10/13/99)

humorcon@aol.com gives this movie  stars: "Wwwwwwoooooowwwwwww!!!!!! Best movie ever< Roberto Benigni rocks!!!! I love this movie!!!!!!!! (8/12/99)

judybishop@msn.com gives this movie  stars: "What can I say that hasn't already been said. An excellent film. Why can't the U.S. make this quality of film?" (6/20/99)

Meligil@aol.com gives this movie  stars: "This movie made me laugh and made me cry. Its extreamly moving and its amazing what this guy and what many parents would do to protect their children from the horrible truths of what is going on in the world around them and to save their live. benini was awsome!!!" (5/31/99)

orbegoso@aol.com gives this movie  stars: "A must-see movie. I still cry just thinking about it. How Begnini was able to mix humor with the holocaust without bring degrading is a miracle." (5/30/99)

AmErika81@aol.com gives this movie  stars: "This was one of the most touching movies I have ever experienced. Whether this story was completely believable or not, I feel I have come from it a better, more optimistic person. It shows that life has it's problems, but there is always a reason to be happy. Beautiful cinematography, brilliant writing and wonderful actors make this a five-star film. Loved it!" (5/9/99)

acba@pacific.net.ph gives this movie  stars: "WOW is a complete understatement for this film. It is absolutely beautiful in all senses and make you realy say that life is indeed beautiful!" (5/7/99)

Becky gives this movie  stars: "I saw this flim twice and i have to say it was a great flick , the acting , screen play , music and the heart touching store of love between a family , if you have not seen this movie , go see it you won't be sorry , :-) you can also pick up the screen play by Roberto Benigni , you 'll love it." (4/28/99)

ecaporusso@rollins.edu gives this movie  stars: "Ithink that till now there hasn't been a better film! It is a wonderful movie and if I could I would given it thousands of stars!" (4/24/99)

ab30349n@pace.edu gives this movie  stars: "Life Is Beautiful is simply the best movie experience of my life!! I left the theater speechless, not to mention teary-eyed and completely emotionally drained.  It was HUMAN, brilliant, funny and heartbraking at the same time.  Whoever thinks that Benigni viciously used Holocaust to make a funny movie obviously missed the whole point of it, namely courage and sacrifice and passion for life of an ordinary person in the face of horror." (4/22/99)

richard.hanley@nbpcd.com gives this movie  stars: "An absolute masterpiece! Certainly one of the most poignant and touching films I've ever seen. Benigni richly deserved the Oscar he won for Best actor. There aren't many who could have played that role. This may well be the definitive movie about love and family. I hope everyone goes to see this film. I can't wait to add this one to my video collection!" (4/16/99)

marie.murphy@sympatico.ca gives this movie  stars: "This is the best movie I have seen in 30 years. Roberto Benigni conceived it, wrote it ,cast himself and his wife as the principal actors, directed it and produced it. It creates in images a life that is based on love for the family. Unconditional love inspires a husband and father to sacrifice his life for his wife and son. All this is accomplished without one moment of feeling sorry for him or pitying him. It is an elegy to the power of love. It is a testimony to the belief system that no matter what the outward reality, with humour and love to embrace it, Life is Beautiful." (4/13/99)

Movie5337@aol.com gives this movie  stars: "I thought this movie was wonderful! It did everything to the human emotions. It made me laugh, and it made me cry. I really enjoyed this movie. It was a great experience, it was my first time ever seeing a foreign film. ( I am only 13). I am now a major fan of Mr. Benigni, and his work! I am so glad that he won the Academy Award! Mary Kate" (4/5/99)

caryn gives this movie  stars: "If i could i would give it more stars. This was one of the best movies, if not the best, that i have ever seen. I love this movie so much i get really pissed every time someone says something negative about it. I guess everyone is entitled to an opinion but i advise the critics to really think of the essence of the movie before spitting out comments. Everyone should see this movie and also "Johnny Stecchino," one of the most hilarious movies ever." (4/2/99)

neiljm@banet.net gives this movie  stars: "This is a wonderful movie but if you want to see a funny Roberto Benigni movie,rent,"Down By Law" co-starring Tom Waits & John Laurie." (4/2/99)

luvah_1@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "This movie was so exceptionally beautiful! It has quickly become one of my favorite movies ever! It makes you laugh and cry...it is so moving that I cannot even begin to put it into words. What an angelic love story!" (3/31/99)

dj_g_penny@yahoo.com gives this movie  stars: "Most movies lately have been mainly about nudity and violence, but this movie brings back the true meaning and happiness derived from entertainment. Benigni is man of wonder. He is completely on the top of his world, but he is still astonishingly humble. He makes you cry out for more, he makes you want to watch him, hope he says more, hope that he succeeds, but he does so without a sly thought creeping in his mind. This movie is of such a high caliber, It will remain a classic to me always." (3/31/99)

lesma15@yahoo.com gives this movie  stars. (3/30/99)

flowerchild99@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "I think this movie was a wonderful movie.  It had some drama, mixed with comedy.  Roberto Benigni is a wonderful actor, and he deserved every bit of the Oscars he won!" (3/26/99)

JVincennes@aol.com gives this movie  stars: "This movie is beautiful and tragic and funny and delicate... it's life. Roberto Benigni is an absloute joy to experience. I feel sorry for those people that don't understand what his goal was. This isn't a farce ofwar. It's about surviving and living. Go see it now!" (3/25/99)

kris_rob@juno.com gives this movie  stars: "I want to jump into Roberto's ocean!  This is the best movie I've ever seen.  I haven't had a day without a smile since!  I cannot believe how enamored I am of this magnificant artist and his work...for I believe he is his work.  As he said at the Oscars--I do not have the words to describe how I feel.  I do know, however, it has something to do with love, love, love! thanks to Roberto Benigni!!!" (3/23/99)

enotsk@webtv.net gives this movie  stars: "roberto is the sexiest man alive!" (3/23/99)

snowblack99@yahoo.com gives this movie  stars: "Fui a ver la pelicula como requerimiento de mi clase de Español y realmente pensaba q iba a ser aburrida pero me encanto es sentimental y graciosa a la vez.  Es tremenda pelicula." (3/23/99)

sullengirl123@yahoo.com gives this movie  stars: "I was so thouroughly impressed with this movie. I haven't seen a film of this caliber in a long time. I think showing a different view of the Holocaust is a refreshing idea, and it worked out splendidy. Roberto Bengini is such a fun actor, it is a joy watching him perform. I can't wait to see more of his work soon." (3/22/99)

eahanna@indiana.edu gives this movie  stars: "This movie is a touching story of a father who uses humor to protect his son from the horrors of the Holocaust. It is a touching film which is completely entertaining. I was moved by the experience of it all but came out feeling joy and warmth without the heavy feelings of depression." (3/22/99)

aliengv@aol.com gives this movie  stars: "I LOVE THIS FUNNY Man I HAVE RED PANTS I LOVE GOATS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE LIFE" (3/22/99)

Erin gives this movie  stars: "This movie was simply beautiful.  With so many documentaries and gory films depicting the horror of World War II, Benigni shows us in the most simple, tender way that family and love are really all that matter.  The first half had me laughing, the second half had me sobbing.  Absolutely the best film I've seen - magnificent." (3/22/99)

Lolita gives this movie  stars: "This movie was a moving tribute to the human spirit and love from a father to his wife and small son.  It gently lead you into the life of a joyful lovable man who will have to overcome the impossible.  Protecting the innocence and life of his son in the middle of a concentration camp.  I sat in the darkened movie theater laughing as tears were streaming down my face. I would recommend this movie for every person because its truth and beauty will quietly teach you a lesson on the strength and stoic nature of the human spirit." (3/22/99)

emilio26@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "Roberto Benigni has made a materpiece. The characters he created transcend all cultural boundaries. He has created an inspirational movie that has the ability to impact and cause one to question their lives, in other words he has done what all directors and actors try to achieve. If you ever read this Mr. Benigni thank you for making such a film." (3/21/99)

corguinho@zipmail.com.br gives this movie  stars: "hi! i love "life is beautiful"... i think that is a special film...i an doing a university work in my coutry about "Central do Brasil" and "life is beautiful"...
could you please send me articles and synopse about "life is beautiful
ïn portuguese? thank you. " (3/21/99)

marks@enol.com gives this movie  stars: "I've read the heartfelt objections to this movie by Jews.  They have a point, but they miss the point.  I wonder how they feel about Victor Frankel's book of his life in a death camp.  Frankel saw men all around him give up and die at the horror.  He concluded the Nazis, or anything else in life, can destroy everything around you, but the one thing that they cannot dictate is your attitude. Roberto Begnini has a simple movie premise as well, "you determine your attitude, and as you do, you affect the ones you love."  To say the movie has flaws is silly.  Everything has flaws.  Yes, the first half might seem absurd at times, and several moments in the camp are implausible.  But parting of the Red Sea is fantastic and unbelievable, and hitting a rock and getting water is incredible.  Moses still left us with something memorable. For those who are not too fixated on perfectionist accuracy, Begnini's film adds up to an unforgettable morality tale, inspiring parents to do more for their children, to develop positive attitudes and take control of our lives. While Schindler's List portrays the awful horror of one (of many) holocausts, Begnini makes it personal.  It is obvious all the lightness in the first half is leading us to horror.  It makes it all the more wrenching.  In the camp we see the darkest side of man where only a little light shines. And to think he did all that without sex, vulgarity, nudity, and violence." (3/21/99)

ddcravens@msn.com gives this movie  stars: "We went and saw it again last night with my parents...this movie was delightful, and heartwarming to see the story of the love that the character had for his son, and his wife...and his infinate wit and imagination, and creativity demonstrated all for the sake of his young son...and reminds us always what a tragedy and travesty to humanity, and families, that the Holocaust was!!!" (3/21/99)

cwburch@slip.net gives this movie  stars: "This is an audacious film, but ultimately unsucessful. I love the premise of a father trying to keep the horrors of the world away from his son's eyes, but trying to do so in a concentration camp was just too much. I could not sustain the "willful suspension of disbelief". It would have been more realistic and poignant to have the father and son acknowledge what was really happening at some time." (3/19/99)

scottsigman@sprintmail.com gives this movie  stars: "Best film I have seen in a long time. I think it is a more emotional and realistic depiction of the Holocaust than Schindler's List." (3/16/99)

cferguso gives this movie  stars: "Although I usually don't like subtitled movies, I found that this one easily overcame the disadvantages of being a foreign film. It was amazing to encounter a light spirit in the midst of something so horrible. It brought tears to my eyes to see a man struggling to keep his spirits up for his family as he simultaneously slowly came to realize the full hopelessness of his situatiuon. This was truly an uplifting and heartwarming movie, a comedy and tragedy combined, and one that I do not expect to see equaled. Though I was also a big fan of Shakespeare in Love (Anything by Tom Stoppard!), and Saving Private Ryan had me crying for days, I felt that this movie had a certain something which merits a best movie Oscar. You are missing out if you don't go see this movie." (3/16/99)

s976424@mailserv.cuhk.edu.hk gives this movie  stars: "The movie stands out among many war movies -- if you allow me to group it this way. It subtly conveys the fear, with both impact and childish laughter. You don't laugh because it is a comedy, you laugh because of the stong tension between the father's fear and wit, and his son's ignorance, displayed through laughable moments like translating for the Nazi officer and the excitement brought about by the 'game' -- later became a 'game of silence'. 'Life is Beautiful' is best represented by the ignorance Joshua still has throughout his camp life -- he overcome it without knowing the perils surrounding him every second. I haven't seem much Italian films, but this is the best I've seen since "No Skin", another impactful film about the strong earn for love." (3/15/99)

me gives this movie  stars: "exelent movie, the dude was just so funny, i had to see this novie for school, so i thought it was going to be boring but it turned out to be realy cool!!" (3/14/99)

Justine gives this movie  stars: "This is one of the most touching films this year. How do you survive life as a Jew in Nazi times? With strength of mind, a heart filled with beauty, and a soul that believes that life is beautiful. If you normally shy away from subtitled films, take a chance on this one. The message transcends the Italian and the subtitles." (3/12/99)

Luna gives this movie stars: "Siskel and Ebert stated that this was one of the most beautiful movies of all time, and I 2nd the motion. In this moveie we descover how Life truely is Beatuiful. And even in the middle of a Natzi consentration camp we find the lighter side of life." (3/7/99)

lcecc7@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "We thought this movie was a fabulous piece of film making, with an amazing cast. I laughed, and cried throughout the entire film. Nomatter what the "film critiques" say, this should without question win both best foreign film, best film, and best actor. Above all, this film was powerfully moving." (3/6/99)

C011827@aol.com gives this movie  stars: "This movie was absolutely fantastic! There aren't even words to describe how I feel about it. Comedy, love story, family ties, all in one! It deserves all it can get!" (3/6/99)

mashka30@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "This was a funny and touching movei with a very good lead actor. However, i think it was a bit unbelievable and the tragedy belittled. We see how the father is desperately trying to convince his son, that the whole ordeal is just a game, but he doesn't truly show his own comprehension of the curcumstances, he seemed way too cheerful. There was too much humor in "sad" part of the movie and that was it's own disadvantage." (3/6/99)