"The Force is with you, young Skywalker...but you are not a Jedi yet."      

THE RETURN OF THE JEDI - Sp. Edition (PG) *****

Reviewed March 22, 1997 - Check out the Return of the Jedi web site.

Do people really consider Return of the Jedi the weakest film in the Star Wars trilogy?  I've heard this sentiment expressed by a number of movie critics and afficionados, and to be frank I don't quite understand it.  Return, which sees the Empire building another Death Star near the moon of Endor, is (at least for me) an entertaining and accomplished piece of moviemaking on par with the first two films in this series.  This time we get to meet those armed teddy bears called Ewoks, and are treated to yet another continuation of the Solo/Leia/Skywalker/Vader/Darkside/Force saga.  The special effects here are stunning as expected, made even better by the latest enhancements in this Special Edition.  

If you've made the effort to see Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back this second time around, The Return of the Jedi is simply a must see as well.  It ties up many of the loose ends left by The Empire Strikes Back, and nicely brings the Jedi saga to completion.  Now we just have to wait for the beginning.... :-)

Responses from cyberspace--thanks for writing, folks!

Canarybird gives this movie ***** stars: "I think that this movie is the best!!! I think the spiecal effects are brilliant!! and the bit where Luke and Darth Vader have the final battle in the death star. Also why does everyone fuss about the ewokes? I think their cute! My favourite characters are Darth Vader,the Emperor and C3PO. cos they are GREAT!!! and C3PO is sometimes a laugh and I cant wait till episodes 2 and 3 come out!!!!" (6/22/01)

advocatedivine@yahoo.com gives this movie **** stars: "Any one who thinks that the Ewoks didn't matter to the movie, really doesn't understand the Star Wars idea of the comic side race. And the fact that, as one person wrote "the StormTroopers kept missing the Ewoks on purpose" really doesn't watch Star Wars all that much. Can you say blind Storm Troopers. These guys can't even hit space ships infront of them." (5/25/01)

theodora63@hotmail.com gives this movie *** stars: "Well, here's another detractor! It wasn't just the Ewoks that I hated, it was the lethal insult to our intelligence: these Imperial forces have subjugated the galaxy, yet when levelling their terror weapons at fluffy teddy bears, all they can manage is to shoot up a bush or a fallen log close by as dramatically as possible, and, well, DELIBERATELY miss the enemy. Sorry, that was a cop-out, a plain fresh cop-out. George - come up with a BELIEVABLE way that the Ewoks can survive or just chance the scenario totally! Watch that sequence again, when the stormtroopers and scout-walkers put the Ewoks to flight, and this time concentrate on the Imperial marksmanship, this business of missing all targets. Now can you praise it with a straight face? Don't you think your suspension of disbelief has been strained to the point of betrayal? No, I'm not another "old guy" who doesn't like action films: I worshipped the first two movies as soon as they came out, and I cringe! d in an agony of embarrassment over this Ewok sequence right there in the cinema in 1983. Likewise, the impossiblity of Luke's escape from his place of intended execution is only emphasised, not disguised, by the way none of Jabba's myriad followers shoot at Luke. Oh sure, they shoot at the nearest moon, or at an empty patch of desert or something, but Luke really ought to have been fried right there on the little craft he started out on. That would've suited me - I couldn't like this arrogant little milksop, who seems actually taken aback that his threats like "this is your last chance: free us, or die!" don't make Jabba give in! Was I supposed to like him? And on the subject of liking someone, why doesn't Han clobber Lando as soon as he is freed from the carbonite? Have we forgotten something here?? I also don't like the way every third or fourth man (or tadpole) in the Rebel Alliance holds the rank of "general." And finally, I'm going out on a limb here and declaring ! that: Jedi Knights SUCK!!! Their total invulnerability is simple poor science fiction. Hundreds of guys can shoot at them, yet they flick it all away harmlessly with their lightsabres, and with unrealistically fast reflexes. In fact, this is no improvement on Wonder Woman deflecting thousand feet per second bullets with her bracelets! Yet it only gets worse in Episode 1.... I loved the wide-eyed innocence of Star Wars, and the running theme of the human spirit triumphant over Death And Taxes, but in ROTJ self-indulgence is allowed to run riot. Rant ends here." (12/22/00)

severancelaurie@hotmail.com gives this movie ***** stars: "The movie was great! This movie has you on the edge. The fact that Vader and his son reunite is the best." (11/27/00)

airforbes1@aol.com gives this movie ***** stars: "My favorite movie of the Star Wars Original Trilogy. It's great for these reasons: 1. Emperor Palpatine finally has a major role in the movie. If you thought Vader was evil, check out the Emperor. Along with Vader, they make a great duo. 2. The Skywalker family. Vader, Luke, and Leia. One of the coolest scenes is when Leia discovers that is Luke's brother and she's has his power too. 3. The Rebel assualt. My favorite scene is the attack on the Death Star. Really good special effects and full of suspense. 4. The music. One of the best soundtracks ever. (Things like the Emperor's Theme, Vader's Death, Into the Trap) If you can ignore the Ewoks and Jabba's entertainers, you should enjoy this movie." (8/10/00)

starwarsfan@yahoo.com gives this movie ***** stars: "The best movie in the world and I wouldn't give it five stars impossible purly impossible boy I could give it five million stars if I could. What a jedi Knight." (8/4/00)

rfksecond2@cs.com gives this movie **** stars: "The only reason this didn't get 5 stars is because some of the action scenes seemed to last longer than they needed to and got old." (6/19/00)

primus_1@alloymail.com gives this movie ***** stars: "It's the best damn movie in the galaxy. It's better then the rest because it the finnal battle between father and son. Darth Vader is the coolest bad guy to date." (3/28/00)

debbi13@juno.com gives this movie ***** stars: "We have the Book, Return of the Jedi printed in 1983 in mint condition. What about that Jedi lovers." (12/3/99)

dionaga@juno.com gives this movie ***** stars: "I liked this movie a lot. I like getting to see the Ewoks cream the technologically superior Empire. Am I the only one who likes Ewoks? The space battle is probably my favorite out of any of the movies, though the snowspeeder battle ranks a close second." (10/12/99)

colkil@yahoo.com gives this movie ***** stars: "this is the best starwars movie ever, ive seen it about 3 million times and i never get sick of it, i think the emperor is the best charecter, the fx were good(forthetime) and it was a great story what else can i say?" (9/4/99)

bavard@geocities.com gives this movie ***** stars: "I was very surprised when first coming onto the internet and reading reviews on Return of The Jedi. I wasnt born when the original star wars trilogy was released so until now I have never read reviews of it. The critism about the Ewoks was a surprise. Although it is only lately that i have become a Star Wars fan I now realise that I was always a star wars fan. When i was young i used to watch an ewoks cartoon which i loved so i obviously liked the ewoks. But i can see why people would not like them. Although I would not go as far as saying that they ruined the film or that they should have been left out completely. The film is superb - i cannot think of any critisms. I believe that the second and third parts of the original trilogy ( episodes 5 and 6 ) were the best as they really focused on the family and on Vader and his redemption. I am not a big action fan and so the thing that attracted me to the saga was the excellant family storyline - the force and the dark side. Episode 6 tied all the ends in an excellant film. It is only shame George Lucas does not plan to make episodes 7,8, and 9. I loved seeing the man behind the mask when vader - turned - Anakin tells luke he was right and wehn he took his place besides yoda and obi wan at the end. I cant wait to see how they all were when they were young - in the prequels. I already know that i will prefer episodes 2 and 3. I just hope the conclusion to that trilogy will be just as brilliant - and that it will still surprise us even though we all know the ending!" (7/22/99)

stunnyboyle@yahoo.com gives this movie ***** stars: "Can I select 6 stars..at least..??!!!!This is not a movie..It is transport .a telepathy .a communication to evrything that is PERFECT!!The Storlyline is absolutely as sound and solid..the effects..after all these years amazing and gorgeously breathtaking..the characters(yes!even the Ewoks!!)are master strokes of genius..The resolution of Yoda and the revealing of the the Theme of Good over evil never been more stylishly and effectively portrayed than in any film in history!In a nutshell,a truly emotional and spiritually uplifting experience the human mind can ever conjure up!!The greatest movie Ever..Sets, Effects,Music,Themes,Charactherisation and spiritual and Human Morals all electryingly portrayed in this Master work Of ART!!!" (7/11/99)

ramsesny@hotmail.com gives this movie ***** stars: "I LOVE , LOVE this movie! (Why can't I give it 6 stars??!!)Return of the Jedi was the best movie of the trilogy. I believe that (besides the Ewoks) the main reason people cited Return of the Jedi as the weakest in the trilogy was because the initial shock of Star elicited by the first two movies dimished by the time the 3rd movie came around. But honestly, if you put the rest aside and just watch this movie pound for pound and compare it to the other two--- minus the fact that the initial "shock" is gone.. Return of the Jedi was the best Star Wars movie.. No question about it." (5/24/99)

d-park@cornell-iowa.edu gives this movie ***** stars: "Probably noted as the best or the worst of the trilogy. I won't write ten pages, like some other reviews, but I will agree the the Ewoks (now that I look at the movie over a decade later) were pretty stupid. I mean, an Ewok attacking you is kind of like being attacked by your little baby brother or sister. They grab your leg, and you pretty much just ignore them. Yes walking may become more difficult, but as long as you can shoot them (Ewoks, unless you really don't like your brother and sister) off you should be okay. Right? According to Lucas the answer was no. But hey, I believed it when I was young and little kids will do the same. Ignore the Ewoks and the horrible line "You Rebel scum!!" and the movie is perfect." (3/19/99)

Janeway gives this movie ***** stars: "I'd go higher if I could. I'm a hopeless sci-fi fanatic(as you can probably tell by my online nickname), and I've seen the movie over a dozen times. I think it's terrific, just a classic, heck, I've forced every one of my friends to sit through it. You want my opinion? Buy it." (8/25/98)

Sphinx gives this movie ***** stars: "I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!! It is a seriously great film in both special effects and storyline. The actors are simply fabulous." (8/5/98)

David gives this film ***** stars: "WOW ! There's nothing more to say about this movie. It's spectacular in every way. It concludes the Star Wars Trilogy saga with style. It is full steam ahead the whole way throughout. There are a few things that made and didn;t make the movie.

1. The Ewoks weren't neccessary. Maybe to part of the storyline, that they help our heroes, but it made all the "little kiddies" come and see it. It was made to attract more people ( the youngens) and I didn't really see the point in them. Okay, so they're kind of cute, but they weren't really neccessary to the huge plot this episode has.

2. The beauty of this film was the feeling to it. The great sensation, of caring at last for Vader ( Anakin), discovering that he is not really a baddy at all. THe hope that Luke can grow in love with him, and Vader do the same. A connection between them, a love, a feeling that the other Star Wars didn't bring out as much as this did. It gave the movie more stars. The compassion you feel during this movie is so high, that this one in a way, is a dramatic film. Also, we felt more for Leia. There was more than meets the eye with our favourite Princess. She isn't as stubborn in this one. She discovers that Luke was her twin brother. That Vader was her father too. That she was strong in the Force. A brilliant family connection, bond and love, that really was an impact on this fine film. This feeling lasts throughout the film, starting with Han being out of Leia's life, then having Vader search everywhere for his son, to confront and be with him. Grow strong with his young boy, who is the strongest Jedi yet. It then moves onto Yoda's death, then to the talk with Luke and Obi-Wan Kinobe and Luke discovers that Leia is his twin sister. Geez, how much does this movie have ?!? Okay, then after that, the Emperor Palpentine, one of the most evil villains ever to come to the screen, tries to seduce Luke to bring him to the Dark Side of the Force. Then there is the final showdown, which I personally think, is the best scene ever in film history. When Luke overpowers his father in a long and hard lightsaber fight, then gets off, and realises the bad he has done. Then Luke gets struck by the Emperor, and then we count on Vader, to save the day, which he does. Then there is Anakin's death, which was one of the most emotional impacts on this film. To see his son with his own eyes was just sooo sad ! And then we end up with the final scene, where we see three ghostly figure - Yoda, Obi-Wan and Anakin, Luke's beloved father. This movie moved me in so many ways, it's just got to be 5 stars.

3. Finally, there is the final battle. A suspensefull scene wher anything is possible. Luke Vs. Vader for the last time. Luke wins but realises how he had released his anger ( The Dark Side). Then, brilliantly cut, was the scene wher Luke is getting destroyed by the Emperor, and the camera keeps on focusing on Vader's face. Will he ? Or won't he ? A very suspenseful scene. When he finally decides to be on his son's side, the viewer are filled with joy. Vader, at long last has returned to the good side of the Force. He at last teams up with his son, to love him and to be with him. What a brilliant final scene to the most brilliant Trilogy.

>From start to end, Return of the Jedi grabs your attention, and holds on to it. Your eyes are glued to the screen. The film is sad and emotional, action-packed, a little scary, and a little fun. There's nothing you cannot enjoy this film !!!!" (2/3/98)

cushman@nucleus.com gives this film ***** stars: "The main reason that most people felt that this was the worst of the Star Wars trilogy, was because of the Ewoks. Others have said that it's because it lacks the originality and interest of the previous two. I, on the other hand, felt that it was one of the best in the trilogy. Some would call me crazy, but that's how I felt. Like Empire, this movie really digs deep into the characters and shows us that they're not so black and white as they were in Episode IV. Luke displays a mean and dark side, contrasting his childish natures of the previous films, while Darth Vader shows a light side (especially when he takes off the mask) that gives us a glimmer of what Anakin Skywalker was really like. Okay, so the film loses the depth of Obi-Wan and Yoda, but it makes up for it with what it does for Luke and Vader. We see that Jabba the Hutt has changed from Episode IV (I'm reffering to the special edition) and is much fatter and less mobile, I think it's due to his success and now he doesn't have to do any of own work anymore, now things revolve around him, as he is on a pedistle and is the center of attention. Now, let's be honest about the Ewoks, okay they did tend to get annoying at times (some would say they were annoying all the time), but that was mostly when they were used as comic relief, which wasn't all that often. Then you got to see them in battle, which was a nice change from the usual blasters and light sabres, this time you get to see an organized, although primitive, tribe of people use the environment to their advantage, they pop up from nowhere and then blend right into the background, much like guerilla warfare. Many have said that the Ewoks pretty much ruin the whole the movie, but when you look at it, they don't appear until about half-way into the film and they don't stick around for much, the most you see out of them is the battle they get into with the Empire near the climax the movie. What I got was a very satisfying and exicting ending to Star Wars. Besides, there was always something exciting to me about final battles, the fact that this was the end really kept me interested on what kind of a note it would end on, and when I first saw it, my stomach was in knots over the very well made climax sequences. The only problem that I have with watching this movie nowadays, is that I've seen it one two many times and can't enjoy it as much as I did the first time around due to my over-familiarity with it." (11/6/97)

Daniel Leathers gives this film **** stars: "I enjoyed Return of the Jedi because it made me feel good after watching it. The movie had many suspenseful moments and never lost your intererest."Jedi" had much more action than it's predecessors. I think the main reason people didn't like "Jedi" was because of the Ewoks. I, myself, thouhgt the Ewoks were not needed. "Jedi" appealed more to younger people because of the Ewoks and endless violence. Most of the critics are old guys that don't like action movies." (9/7/97)

Nadim gives this film ***** stars: "The special effects in this movie really got me into it." (9/6/97)

bounty@fox.nstn.ca gives this film ***** stars: "I love this movie!! I think it has the most ACTION, not that the others didn't get me excited! ROTJ is my all-around FAVORITE movie." (8/15/97)

goon@prairienet.org gives this film **** stars: "Jedi is the best movie in the trilogy. I can respect that other people like the other ones better, but I don't understand how anyone in their right mind can call Jedi bad." (4/22/97)