"Look behind you!!  B-E-H-I-N-D  Y-O-U-U-U ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !"


Reviewed January 1, 1997 - Check out the Scream web site.

Scary.  Funny.  Scary.  Funny.

For many people (including myself), "horror film" and "bad film" are synonymous phrases describing a gory, predictable movie where people (usually teenagers) are slashed to death or otherwise killed at alarming rates by a masked or otherwise deformed monster of a killer run loose around some remote location or town.  (...gasp...wait, let me catch my breath...)  For my part, I've always been happy to take the "seen one, seen 'em all" approach to horror flicks.  In other words, I don't expect much from these films.

Well, guess what?  Scream's actually a little different from, and much better than, your typical slasher flick.  Under the guidance of Wes Craven, Scream not only sets out to give its audience a good scare, but it does so while trying to poke fun at the horror film genre itself.  In both of these tasks, Scream comes through nicely.  Starring Neve Campbell, Skeet Ulrich, Courtney Cox, Drew Barrymore, Matthew Lillard, David Arquette, and a host of other hapless actors turned horror film victim, Scream not only gives us the requisite scary monster-killer of a villain, but refreshingly supplies a set of "victims" who have some horror film savvy.

See, the characters in Scream have seen Halloween, Friday the 13th, The Exorcist, and all those other horror films, so they know what not to do if they want to stay alive.  The constant references to horror flick cliches, and the characters' attempts to counter these cliches, add immensely to the entertainment value of Scream--not only is there suspense in the killings here, there's also comedy.  Oh sure, the end result is the same (lots of people dead), but in Scream at least some of the killings are interesting!  Particular thanks to Wes Craven for a truly terrifying opening sequence, and a wonderfully witty closing sequence.  This film won't win any awards at Cannes, but if you're up for a little bit of horror, it's one to watch.

Responses from cyberspace--thanks for writing, folks!

Travis gives this movie  stars: "This film is superb" (6/22/01)

Sean gives this movie  stars: "Best" (4/2/01)

Stu Maker gives this movie  star: "bloody hell, that tv hurts!!" (1/13/01)

ghetto_gurl_14@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "I thought all the movies wer awsome! But I didn't see part 3 yet (I'm planning to very soon)! If you guys were the ones who made "I don't know what you did Last Summer" then I hope you guys make a part 3! Keep up the great work!  Make More! Peace out!" (1/5/01)

Hasla gives this movie  stars: "It was sweet." (12/16/00)

Bill gives this movie  stars: "this film was funny and scary i like the end it was funny and weard it was weard because it looked like Courty Cox was dead then she shot him" (12/6/00)

Miek gives this movie  stars: "I jez love this movie!! I've seen it over 50 times now and won't get tired of it. Scream 2 and 3 were even better!!!" (8/22/00)

mladenr@bankerinter.net gives this movie  stars: "I'am lover this film i watch 1 2 3 part and i look to find mask.I live in Yugoslavia and i want to ask do you got a mask and how match pain thanks " (8/21/00)

c-booker@usa.net gives this movie  stars: "neve cambel is brill in this film and i love jerry o,conel sream rocks" (8/3/00)

Bill gives this movie  stars: "it is one of the best horor movie ever" (5/4/00)

bob1181@caramail.com gives this movie  stars: "A lot of suspense, and a lot of blood, but really thrilling !!" (3/27/00)

stewart1two1@aol.com gives this movie  stars: "i think wes craven is god at making horror movies especially scream i would love it if there were a scream 3 released " (2/4/00)

Joanne gives this movie  stars: "Scary, I think Screa 3 should be made don't you?" (10/31/99)

daniel.p@t-online.de gives this movie  stars: "this movie is the best what i have seen ever!!!!!!!!!!" (8/19/99)

jessfroggy@prodigy.net gives this movie  stars: "This is one of my all time favorite movies. It probally the most clever and scary horror movie i have ever seen. The change of events kept u guessing until the surprise ending. P.S Drew Barrymore's performance was really believable and well played. the movie rocked" (8/18/99)

ibumbi@tin.it gives this movie  stars: "We would like to thanks everyone who answered the telephone instead of us!!! P.S. Don't SCREAM!" (4/25/99)

dragonboy18 gives this movie  stars. (4/23/99)

butch16@gurlmail.com gives this movie  stars: "Dude this movie rocks the house I love all the horror and intensity it has in it. Not to metion Mathew Lillard looks like a total BABE in it. THIS IS THE COOLEST MOVIE EVER!!!!" (4/19/99)

Hayley gives this movie  stars: "I thought that scream was excellent. I really liked the start with Drew Barrymore" (4/15/99)

Kristine gives this movie stars: "Scream was an awsome horror flick! I loved the mixture of blood and comedy!" (3/15/99)

gtbmx14@aol.com gives this movie  stars: "This movie was really good and it was very scary and i hope that they make a scream 3" (3/14/99)

rigyu34@aol.com gives this movie  stars: "This movie is the best of the scary movies of the 90's." (3/13/99)

fpowell@bellsouth.net gives this movie  stars: "It was a great movie i don't really watch movies like that but i did and i really love it it had all real meaning and any thing else to it stars played great on it hope to see them again soom sign melinda" (3/12/99)

sexychick141@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "I loved this movie it's not the best but it could be one of them. The only thing that sucked was that you allmost allways new what they were going to do the seccond one was way better but i still think that I still know what you did last summer and i know what you did last summer were way beter. Yes they'll probley come out with a 3 one." (3/11/99)

therese_ny@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars. (1/17/99)

Pellegrino Remo gives this movie  stars: "That movie was <<<G-R-E-A-T>>>. The best movie I had seen 'till then." (12/29/98)

sodabuble@aol.com gives this movie  stars: "this movie was the best. it was funny and scary at the same time. me and my freind are crasy about this movie and we watch it all the time. if i could i would give it 6 stars. so all you people who dislike this movie and gave it a 1, give it up you are completely out numbered. stu, dewie, and randy were hot and in scream 2, randy got even hotter." (11/15/98)

Jessi Lloys gives this movie stars: "i give this movie 5 stars because it was thrilling and i can not wait to see scream 2." (11/14/98)

Sherla Yazzie gives this movie  stars: "I love this movie so much." (11/14/98)

Baby_Cakes14@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "Scream is a good movie,but I kinda like Scream 2 better. But I know Screams lines better then Scream 2. Everyday in the summer my friends and I would watch Scream so that's how I know all the lines...BUT I STILL LOVE BOTH OF THEM>>>" (11/12/98)

Crystal gives this movie stars: "thinks this movie rocked, but they need to put more things to make ya jump it would rok really bad." (11/9/98)

Danielle gives this movie stars: "It rocked." (10/24/98)

orrbit@mfi.net gives this movie  stars: "If Tatum wasen't in there it be no good!" (10/10/98)

Janelle T gives this movie (and Scream 2)  stars. (10/1/98)

friends@flora.online.no says: "I think the movie is the best i the eart i wont to meet them inn the movies" (9/25/98)

Jack Lovtin gives this movie stars: "The movie was like totally unpredictably scary,and funny too." (9/15/98)

Lauren Taylor gives this movie  stars: "i think this movie was good!!it had good special effects. but this movie was like other movies ,the person you would least expect dies next. they did not give you enough clues on who does it!!! but this movie was cool on how they killed some people[in a unique way]" (9/13/98)

ecsez@aol.com gives this movie  star: "It's a stupid movie." (9/11/98)

scream@global.co.za gives this movie  stars: "How can anyone think that this movie is bad. It is simply the most brilliant movie ever made. Brilliant script, direction, acting, soundtrack. You name it. Can't wait for Scream 3." (9/2/98)

dagget@home.com gives this movie  stars: "hi I think they (Scream 1&2) are really great movies." (8/22/98)

lucan@netinc.ca gives this movie  stars: "Scream is one of my favorite movie.Sream kicked ass!Billy was a kick ass killer and so was stu. Neve cambell is a chick. SEE IT! SEE IT! SEE IT! BUY IT!" (7/21/98)

Hillary gives this movie stars: "this was one of the best movies i have ever seen. that goes for scream 2 also. they were really good and i love the characters. nev, your the best!!!!! the movie was scary yet it had you on the end of your seat yelling at the people to look behind them. well, i hope there is a 3 i will be the first to see it! thanks for such a great movie!! bye bye now!!" (7/20/98)

juliet_sab@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "it totally rocks! its my fave movie. and Neve is so cool. if you loved this one go see the Sequal. Randy is right about some sequals though some sequals suck but this one rocked." (7/16/98)

space-out gives this movie stars: "I thought the guy who played randy was hott!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so could you tell me who it was?" (7/12/98) (The character of Randy was played by Jamie Kennedy -- fuzzydog)

Brian50710@aol.com gives this movie  stars: "I loved it!!" (7/11/98)

Run DMC gives this movie stars: "Scream was awsome." (7/10/98)

niclas_holst@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "The best horror-movie now. But I havent seen Scream 2. So I don&acute;t really now." (6/27/98)

nickblaskowski@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "It's a Scream baby!" (6/3/98)

jurda@csonline.net gives this movie  stars: "This movie rocks!!" (5/23/98)

leo790 gives this movie  stars. (5/3/98)

Jose gives this movie  star: "This movie sucks." (5/2/98)

Strawberry gives this movie stars: "htis movie was the first horror show I've seen , now I can watch any horror I want with out being scared" (5/1/98)

Brit gives this movie  stars: "i think scream should od gotten 5 stars~~~ because i really like that movie! hehe" (5/1/98)

Amy gives this movie  stars: "I loved the movie. It was really exciting, but confussing at the same time, because I've watched alot of horror movies before and in SREAM I couldn't figure out who the killer was. The ending really suprised me!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see SREAM 2!!!!!!!!" (5/1/98)

massetti@ix.netcom.com gives this movie  stars: "Movie was one of the best horror movies made. It kept you in suspense and scared you." (4/30/98)

Jess2027@aol.com gives this movie  stars: "This is the ultmate horror movie!" (4/26/98)

Stacey gives this movie  stars: "It was the best movie I have ever seen. It had all my favorite stars in it." (4/23/98)

sammigen@msn.com gives this movie  stars: "The movie was great because they added humor to horror and got a thrilling slasher film..SEE IT AGAIN!!!!!!" (4/19/98)

Zeynep Uygun gives this movie stars: "I really liked this film .Some movies have been called scary but when I watch these film I just lough .if u really want to see a real scary film u must go SCREAM2. It is the one of best films I have ever seen. IF U DONT GO I WILL KILL U.HAHAHAH. IT WAS JOKE" (4/11/98) (Geez, you people are getting scary... -- fuzzydog)

sweet@school.hug.tm gives this movie  stars: "The movie rules but the home page sucks!!!!" (3/17/98)

jhoff@algonet.se gives this movie  stars: "Can you find a better movie??? no!!!!!!" (3/2/98)

David gives this movie  stars: "I love all these review here on this page bar 1 that gave it 2 stars. If you gave it below 3 you're stupid. This movie was clever, fun, witty and suspensful and horrific ! Scream gives you a great feeling and you want to see it over and over. I think the Casey scene was one of the scariest and one of the best scenes in any movie ! Good show Wes Craven !!!" (1/23/98)

dsartin@cland.net gives this movie  stars: "I'm probably being too generous here. This has to be one of the worst movies I've seen in at least a decade, if not ever (and yes, I've seen both Showgirls and The Doom Generation). Talent? Acting? Writing? Quality? You won't find it in any abundance here, even by the low standards of horror films. I've seen specimens in monkey houses that would have turned in better performances--and written better scripts--than this. This would hardly rate one star, except that Drew Barrymore was killed right off--that alone would almost be enough to raise Scream to merely average, if it weren't so awesomely mediocre to begin with." (12/12/97)

Fuzzy fly gives this movie stars: "I thought the movie was very good!!" (12/8/97)

Jenny gives this movie  stars: "This movie was, "da bomd!"! I was constantly guessing who the killer was and could barely keep myself in my seat from jumping so much! If we see more movies like this, then we're in for a great time at the movies!!" (12/5/97)

Sherry gives this movie  stars: "I love the movie scream: The first scary movie i ever seen was Friday the 13th in 3d when it came out scary but hated it than i never liked any scary movies after that until Scream and now i can't wait until i see I know what u did last summer and also Scream 2 great writing ever even when i first seen xena but scream is better u think he will make the show on t.v. as a serious." (12/01/97)

M. Mc. gives this movie  stars: "Scream was one of the best movies I have ever seen! I was truly scared and excited at the same time! I sat on the edge of my seat and I kept guessing who the killer was. There were sooo many people who it could have been! When I found out who it was, I was like, "Oh yeah, of course!" This movie is worth seeing over and over! I have seen it five times and I am still scared every time! The Drew Barrymore scene was the scariest scene that I have ever seen in a movie. Do yourself a favor and go see this movie!" (11/22/97)

Stephanie McClay gives this movie  stars. (11/21/97)

Dreame@sktc.net gives this movie  stars: "I loved this movie! I've always liked movies where you can try to figure out who did it, instead of them telling you. It was the type of movie that had you talking like Randy "Behind you! He's the killer!" :) Does anyone else absolutely LOVE Neve Campbell?!" (8/6/97)

Billy Loomis gives this movie stars: "It was the best horror movie I have ever saw!" (6/28/97)

Bar123@msn.com gives this movie  stars: "Scream was awesome!!!!! You gotta see this movie. It was so much better than all other teenage slasher movies. Great acting, humor, and beautiful girls (Campbell, Barrymore, and the girl who played Tatum), make this one of the best movies I've ever seen." (6/25/97)

T.J. Mooney gives this movie stars.

Tknachnce@aol.com gives this movie  stars: "It was the BEST movie i have seen in quite awhile!!!!" (6/21/97)

Amanda gives this movie  stars: "I love that Movie I think that people should make more movies like it..... It was so cool I loved it and I love Skeet..." (6/7/97)

Jen gives this movie  stars: "This movie is the BEST movie I have ever seen!!! It has a great cast, and you are literally on the edge of your seat the whole time. It's scary, it's funny, it's everything a movie was meant to be!!!!!" (6/6/97)

dannymm@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "I don't normally go for horror movies, but this was hysterically funny, and showcased 3 rising stars in Neve Campbell, Matthew Lillard and Rose McGowan. Go see it!" (5/3/97)

73070.3631@compuserve.com gives this movie  stars: "Wow... What a totally good movie! We were like screaming the entire time! It was like totally raging. All we want to say is..."Drew Barrymore, get a facial, you are like so five minutes ago!!!!"" (2/10/97)

cs2352@acc.msmc.edu gives this movie  stars: "The movie Scream by Wes Craven was great, I agree with you that it deserves three stars. This horror movie was different from all the rest. I think that this movie is the best movie I've seen in a long time." (2/5/97)

ibena@boystown.org gives this movie  stars. (1/30/97)