"Always two there are - A master, and an apprentice..."      

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (PG)

Reviewed May 20, 1999 - Check out the Star Wars Episode I Website.

The release of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace has been one of the most hyped and highly-anticipated events in cinematic history.  For fans of George Lucas' epic saga, this film is the experience of the summer, and it will no doubt be "critic-proof" in terms of audience popularity.  Back again are old friends such as Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor), R2D2, C3PO and Yoda, and they are joined by new faces such as Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson), the Sith Darth Sidious (Ian McDiarmid), Naboo Queen Amidala (Natalie Portman), amphibian Gungan Jar-Jar Binks (Ahmet Best), and a very young Anakin Skywalker (Jake Lloyd). 

Very briefly, the story centers around two Jedi Knights, the elder Qui-Gon and a young Obi-Wan, sent to negotiate a settlement between the Naboo people and the evil Trade Federation, which has set its sights on the Naboo's planet.  The negotiations turn into a rescue mission when Naboo Queen Amidala is captured by the Federation, and the Jedi Knights whisk her off to seek help from the Republic.  On the way, the Jedis run into the clutsy Gungan Jar-Jar Binks (provider of much comic relief) and a 9-year-old Anakin Skywalker (a.k.a. Darth Vader), a boy blessed with the skills of a Jedi, and one who Qui-Gon then identifies as someone who can bring "balance to the Force."  Ouch...

To a large degree, what Lucas gives us in Episode I is the extension of an already powerful modern mythology, and for those who have been loyal followers of the original trilogy, this new episode will be a welcome addition to the saga.  Forget the hype and take down the impossibly high expectations, and you will see a film that is most effective when it taps into and resonates with the Jedi history that we already know.  Much of Episode I simply foreshadows the fates of characters we have learned to love or hate, and in this sense the film acts as a mere startpoint in the Star Wars chain, with the upcoming Episodes II and III to fill in the missing links.

From a film reviewer's standpoint, this can pose a bit of a dilemma: do you evaluate Episode I as it stands as a single work, or must it be looked at in context of the broader saga which has been embedded in popular culture?  Taken as a single work of course, Episode I can hardly be considered perfect.  Characters aren't properly introduced or developed, loose ends are left untied, and (most importantly) the film lacks the sheer boldness and originality that made the original Star Wars a classic.  However, the fact is that it is almost impossible to isolate Episode I from its grander context, and from this standpoint, I find much to admire in this latest addition to the saga.  Instead of originality, Lucas delivers history and familiarity, showing amazing discipline in recreating the "look and feel" of the original trilogy.  From John Williams' iconic score, to the now famous opening prologue screenroll, to the use of familiar landscapes and colors, Episode I will no doubt bring back memories while creating brand new ones.  The special effects are, as expected, brilliant, with Lucas and ILM creating some of the most realistic worlds and characters I have ever seen on film.  At times, of course, all this technical wizardry makes you feel like you're inside a video game (for instance, during the desert pod race), but the overall effect is nevertheless satisfying.  Unlike most films, Star Wars Episode I is designed to be just one piece in a much larger puzzle, and I personally found it to be a very entertaining and likeable piece.  My advice?  Go see it and have fun with it, but don't ask it to live up to the overly-high expectations that have been raised.  When Episodes II and III are released, we will no doubt better appreciate the context of Episode I: The Phantom Menace.  In the meantime, just enjoy the opportunity to visit once again with some beloved characters, and to get to know some new ones, while being treated to some of the stunning visual effects work Lucas is now famous for.

Responses from cyberspace--thanks for writing!

rfksecond2@cs.com gives this movie  stars: "This movie got me excited about episode 2 and 3 more than anything else. I think that the (younger) queen is Lukes mom. Or will be, anyway. Let's wait and see. The ending seemed rather predictable to me, but it was still a good one." (8/7/00)

sethgreen@null.net gives this movie  stars: "Star Wars The Phantom Menace rocks. Who is a huge fan of Star Wars movies? Who likes Watto?  I can't wait until the 2nd episode." (6/27/00)

Arthur Banaszak gives this movie  stars: "Yeah it was a pretty good movie I wonder what STAR WARS EPISODE II will be like??" (6/26/00)

jessfrogy@prodigy.net gives this movie  stars: "This movie was Ok it wasn't as good as any of the other Star Wars films it just seemed so fake. It was really long and some scenes seemed to drag on and on. The acting was preety bad also the kid who played Anikan was horrible i know he is only a kid but they could have got someone with more talent than him. Darth Mal was in the movie for like 8 minutes and never talked. Obi one seemed really sure of himself and stuck up i didn't like his charicter. the whole switching queen thing confused me i never knew who was the queen and who was the servent. i know im gonna take alot of heat for this but i would have to say my favorite charicter was Jar jar Binks atleast he made me laugh a couple of times. The special effects were good but the story seemed dull and long going it was an Ok movie but i'm in no hurry to see it again." (4/13/00)

Jazz Solo gives this movie  stars: "I loved Episode I!!!!! It was really great. The plot was very well and the characters were chosen very wisely. I think Ob-Wan was the best. (Qui-Gon, too) :)" (4/9/00)

lov4ev gives this movie  stars: "the best action film ever created to be seen. the best music entitled for it to. If anybody said it sucked they suck. lucas is the best director I've ever heard about and seen. I think he would be just as good as meeting Micheal jordan. I think it the was best film created to go with the star wars trilogy. It was the best film i ever saw. I coulnt wait for it to come out in theaters. if this got rated this moive would be Five star thrilling and stunning film. " (4/1/00)

rasmusr@online.no gives this movie  stars: "I HATE JAR JAR BING! He's destroying the entire movie. Hadn't he been in it, I'd rated the movie 500 stars, but I hate this annoying Disney-like idiot who is walking around and incidentally shoots droids in a battle which is supposed to be the height of the movie. And this stupid accent and... I'd better stop now before I'm hurting someone :) If I could get my hands on the actor who played Jar Jar Bing, or that stupid animationist who animated him, I'd kill him. No doubt!" (2/27/00)

Roger Ebert Jr. gives this movie  stars: "One of the greatest cinematic achievements ever. GREAT !" (1/20/00)

beebejustin@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "Star Wars rocks!!! I really liked the movie!!! my favorite part is at the end at the Fight with Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, And Darth Maul!" (1/9/00)

reverse96@excite.com gives this movie  stars: "I am an absolutly a fanatic of star wars and I personly speak for everyone else who is a star wars fan would rate this movie with 5 stars and i would recamend this movie for everymone!!!!!!!!!!!! I just can't wait till it comes out on video i will be the first one in line to get the movie. i would give 30 dollars for it if i had to. The old movies where awsome too but this gives you more of what to expect like we know Anakin will turn to evil as darth vader who was seduced by Emporor Palpantine. He marries Queen amadala and has twins name Luke Skywalker And Princess Leia, Who are separated by obi wan who knew that Emporor Palpantine would know that if Darth Vader had any offspring that they he would try to turn them over to the dark side. I would recamend this movie to everyone.!!!!!!!!!!!!! " (11/29/99)

thilo.henn@de.dreamcast.com gives this movie  stars: "maybe the worst film i ve ever seen in cinema.Nice effects but bad actors,story dialogues and extremely boring.(first SFX s then the rest?George L. destroyed his own legendary SF epic)" (11/23/99)

Christina gives this movie  stars: "I'm not realy a star wars freak but this movie was awesome so all you people that said it stunk don't even bother rating it!!!!!!!!The best part was probably the pod racing part. But I agree with some of the others that Jar Jar is annoying!!!!!!!!! They should get rid of him. This is Christina! Bye!!" (9/29/99)

starwarsfreak gives this movie  stars: "JUST SIMPLY THE BEST!!!!!!! I personally was one of the people who waited in line for hours to see it , it was worth it ! This is my favorite movie and I am glad I got to see it in a theater that had rad sound and a huge screen ! It was ausome ! I have seen it multiple times {I lost count!} and am looking for a theater that still plays it to see it again ! Don't listen to the critics , only true Star Wars fans understand ..................... THIS MOVIE KICKS A$$ !!!!!!!!!" (9/15/99)

diamond_emma@yahoo.com gives this movie  stars: "The Phantom Meance is a great movie go see it. I saw it 38 times already!!! I think Jar Jar Binks is really funny and cute,but I HATE I HATE I HATE QUEEN AMADALA SHE IS SO STUPID!!!!" (8/21/99)

Pops gives this movie  stars: "VERY VERY GOOODDDDDDD!!!!!" (8/20/99)

Cocco gives this movie  stars: "It was really good!" (8/20/99)

spermicles@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "Absolutely awesome. Funny, touching, action-packed -- Just the best !!" (8/8/99)

Henry gives this movie  stars: "I don't see what the 'Giant fuss' was about.. Okay, It is just a movie, it is not a friggin life ! These blokes, going and camping out, what a watse of time.... I never waited for it to come out, and I think most fans would be disappointed by its childish antics throughout. Personally, I liked the film and I thought it was well done and well presented, and some of the scenes were unbelievable and so on etc etc... but it is just a film, and even though I had such fun while watching it, I'll like to say to all the die-hard fans that 'It is not a lifestyle, just a film. Go and watch. HAVE FUN' I did anyways.....Go and see it with your mates for solid fun, but don't expect a Best Picture out of this one" (8/2/99)

ashakis@yahoo.com gives this movie  star: "All I have to say is thank god i did not have to pay to see this movie. Am up-set that the person that payed for me wasted his money over a "over rated movie" and he feel a sleep. and you no that sad. again 2 words over rated!!!!!" (7/30/99)

Queen of Naboo gives this movie  stars: "Star Wars number 1, is a movie classic. It has emotion, laughs and action, and delivers an essence of the upbringing of all the characters and takes a new look at the old ones. I mean, now when I see darth Vader, I'm even more terrified !!! 5 STARS !" (7/28/99)

Darth JJ gives this movie  stars: "One thing to say and that it is a disappointment, but Darth MAUL rulz !" (7/28/99)

Caesar, King of Rome gives this movie  stars: "Well, being Caesar and all, nothing beats my reign and my appearances in movies, but this movie showed much talent in my Empire. Hahaha... No ! It's KEWL ! Maaaaaaaaad !" (7/28/99)

shotgunshells@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "I am a fan of Star Wars, but not quite the Fanatic who pays nine dollars for 3 minutes of previews the year before this movie came out and goes to the 12:01 showing the DAY it came out. I didn't see it until a couple weeks ago. It's really great! Pod racers are cool, and it was neat that Darth Maul would have a double light saber. It was neat to see al the Jedi. This movie is WELL WORTH cetching on the Big-Screen. Yep, the big screen. Thats the BEST part." (7/27/99)

Jar Jar Stinks gives this movie  stars: "I LOVED THIS FILM. It was never slow or dreary and was always fun. But get rid of JAR JAR ! Agggghhhh ! Go see this movie, but close ur eyes and block ur ears when Jar Jar comes on." (7/25/99)

Ray Jefferson gives this movie  stars: "After seeing the first trilogy endlessly, the wait was long.... but was it worth it ? I would say - yes, but it is just a film. No more, no less. It is no Oscar winner, it is no dramatic art, but it does deliver fine action and FX. The worlds created are unforgettable, the characters always brilliant. With magic and myth combined, it is a magical event to remember. One thing that bothered me was the dialogue. It was often childish and went no where. Lucas needs to think things over before making Episode II. But all in all, it is a fun event and it is a memorable one. It is enjoyable and you can't take your eyes off those FX, but it still never lived up to its full potential. But, the force is back with us !!" (7/25/99)

Oprah gives this movie  stars: "Always charming, dazzling special effects and a fantastic soundtrack. This movie delivers all the fine movie elements binding comedy with action with sci/fi with drama. All the actors lived up to their potentials. A movie genius !" (7/25/99)

Valerie Selora gives this movie  stars: "This is one of the best movies i've ever seen!" (7/16/99)

peanutdoozees@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "This movie was good. It had it's ups and downs. The Pod race was very exciting to watch. "DARTH MAUL RULES THE WORLD"" (7/16/99)

nickblaskowski@limpbizkit.com gives this movie  stars: "I don't know what all the negative reviews are about.I think it is just because since Star Wars:A New Hope introduced better graphics,there are alot of movies that look like that now and the critics didn't think there was anything special about The Phantom Menace because it looks like that too.And maybe there is something that wasn't explained in this movie that will be explained in the episodes to come." (7/11/99)

Carlos gives this movie  stars: "I don't want to make a long review because I think that when you do it you tend to exagerate things. I loved the film (dispite the fact that the first time I saw it the sound wasn't good in the theater), I loved the original trilogy, im a big fan so didn't dare to expect Episode I to be better than the originals. I just went to see it, I ignored the bad reviews by the "critics" (which I think are a bad thing to movies). I loved it more the second time (with good sound). I think the best thing about this movie is that it's story doesn't end in this movie, there are going to be two other movies that I think will be better than this one. The movie is just very FUN, but it also it's a part of something else. No other movie can say that. When the six movies come out (four already have) it will be film history. Episode I is just the beginning." (7/6/99)

dgrguras@yahoo.com gives this movie  stars: "The movie was cool but Jar Jar Binks sucked." (7/6/99)

ShadowRaider_98@yahoo.com gives this movie  stars: "Great movie, but where the heck happened to Chewie and those Ewoks? It gets better with every viewing. Better than Titanic, deserves a waaay better audience. " (6/24/99)

gillianlover@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "Star Wars bases a lot of its purpose in the visuals, and here they were light-years ahead of any other film ever made, let alone recent films. The action was original and interesting, while it had a sense of sincerity lacking from other blockbusters -- George Lucas really comes across as a man who **loves** his work." (6/22/99)

Robert Knobb gives this movie  star: "I paid money to see this overblown turkey. I would rather give Chewbacca an eneama than set through this movie again. No space fighting, and too much office work at the "force" office building or where ever it was. Pod racing, indeed! They should have chained the wookies to a tree, and beat them with a lite saber. It would have taken less time, and been much more interesting. Where were the Ewoks? In the other movie, they were supposedly an ancient tribe, and yet, in this dreadful story, there is no mention of these cute,allthough stinky, creatures.And that ugly-assed bird that sells stuff! Come on George, get real. No one in the universe would buy anything from that ugly bluejay." (6/21/99)

greg@fefi.com gives this movie  stars: "I'll be honest, the movie did suprise me but in the contest of it all, it isn't a great as one david on this page proclaims. Going into the film I was expecting the computer animation and effects to be so unbelievable that they would ruin the film. Suprisingly enough, they weren't that bad. The problems with the movie are a couple of things. First, Jar-Jar Binks was the abloslut worst comic relief and anyone of sound mind would agree with me. His caracter could have been done without, or at least his humor. bing dumb and nieve is not by any means humorous. Second, for those so called Star Wars lovers, if you really knew the history of the films and paid close attention, you would have noticed a few key errors in the dialogue of the film. A) The Jedi powers, as referd to by Yoda in Empire Strikes Back, are used to defend and protect, not be on the offensive, as they were used in this film. Along with this, the Lightsabre that the Jedi uses, in the first three, (or second three of the sequence if you prefer) was not able to cut through the steel doors nor reflect the lazers shot at the Jedi. They were not constructed for that purpose and could not do those things in the other, (first releases)of lucas's productions. I think even he forgot what they could and could not do. B) In Empire Strikes Back, Obe-Wan, or how ever you spell his name, told Luke that he was trained by Yoda, not this Liam Neesen character. Lucas apparently forgot about this as well. If you are going to write a nine saga dialogue, (or six as rumors now have it that he does not intend to finish the series)don't forget the rules facts that you have already presented in previous situations. Keep your story, or stories straight. I did enjoy the film but it will never live up to what Lucas has already done with the other three that my generation grew up on. These new characters and special affects take away from what was once good film making. Aside of everything else, the new superloaded special affect films that are being released sure the affects are cool to see, but in doing so, the films are losing more and more depth, both visually and in the writting. Artists are relying too much on what a computer can do and not really using their brains to come op with something a little more real and believeable. If you are looking for a real action packed thrilride, head over to you local video store and rent "The Rock" with Sean Connery and Mr. Cage. Now that is a five star film. Real actors, true to life, and real special affects." (6/6/99)

David gives this movie  stars: "The crowd roared and the scroll came up. This is 'Star Wars'. After a long years wait, with glimpses from the two supurb trailers and seeing the characters light up in these, it was amazing. It starts off very faced-paced, great action and suspense. The Neimoidians were the only trouble, their voices annoying and very unclear. Liam Neeson was great and Ewan McGregor was okay, not as good as I thought, but decent. Sidious was a great evil spurt in the film, his wise antics and evil glances were great, and I'm sure he will be followed even more in Episode II. Jar Jar was surprising. When you think of a 'comic' relief in one of these movies, it sounds strange, but he was fantastic. His good one-liners and funny waddles, provided some light in some 'slower' scenes. His voice wasn't confusing as been said, but at times he was over-used. The Otoh Gunga city was beautifully designed, but it was Boss Nass that was really annoying. His squabbling head and his spitting was unneccessary and very annoying. The fish scenes were unnecessary where they face sea-mosters, but some of the character interractions saved it. It started to head out of it. The Naboo scenery was amazing but some of the childish antics and scenes after the faced-paced beginning were not necessary. It was in Tattooine where it became a true 'Star Wars' film. From there, the movie couldn't stop getting better. Jake Lloyd's acting was decent enough for a ten year old, and Shmi Skywalker provided some great female talent. The Mos Espa town was wonderfully created, similar to the villages in the original. Padme/Amidala was wonderful. It was her vibrance that really won audiences. Her boldness and strength provided some great viewing material. Portman, who played her is sure to be a star of the future. The pod race was one of the best sequences in any motion picture. It was visually stunning and the sound effects wre amazing. It was of great length and the visuals were like no other. The shots from in front of the pods going through canyons were fantastic. This was a well-remembered scene and will be a favourite amongst anyone who sees the film. The Anakin's father theory at first is not really intrigueing but eventually it makes sense and has a deep meaning. He is the chosen one. His religious links to Jesus in that sense was in a way, quite funny and very interesting. It had some meaningful, emotional parts, and was effective. Watto was used too much and Jabba was very funny for his two seconds on-screen. The relationship between R2D2 and Threepio was clever also. Coruscant, the next stop is fantastic. The visuals and artistic expression for the city was amazing. The Jedi Council was great, Yoda was a good see in it, and Samuel L. Jacson was effective as Mace Windu, for the short time he was in it. The Galctic Senate scene was very good, Amidala's costume there was great and Senator Palpatine was surprisingly good as the soon to be Emperor. His in-joke line at the end to Anakin was hilarious. He provided some very strong link to the originals and his presence was thoughtful. It was Darth Maul, as expected, who stole the show. With little screen time, his presence each time was amazing and powerful. His stare evil like no other, and his voice deep and rough. Excellent. His presence whenever was great. The end battles in the movie were fantastic. The Gungan versus Federation droidss was great and the visuals there were amazing to look at. Jar Jar was hilarious in this, his clumsiness was fun to watch. The space battle was great, Anakin's ship and all those visuals were absolutely amazing. But it was the lightsabre fight which excited me and the rest of the audience most. Maul's presencer out of nowhere was amazing. The fight was rather short but memorable. The fight was amazingly quick, the manouevres where precise and great, the flips and action was great. It was here also where the music hit a high. 'Duel of the Fates', the song, was powerful and uplifting, creating the scene. The lightsabre sounds were much better and it was amazing. The end of the fight, surely provided the greatest of thrills. With the greatest last half hour action sequences, the movie was amazing and I didn't want it to end. The film was rather long, but Lucas should have cut out parts in the middle, especially the sea-creatures and some of Watto and Jar Jar, but then added to the final battles. The music and sound were supurb and really made the movie so uplifting and enjoyable. There was nothing at all with the visuals, it should win the Oscar, and all the towns and scenes created and the digital characters were visually spectacular. There were no flaws with the acting, but the plot was fairly light, but not too bad. Star Wars Episode 1 is the best of the saga and it is a movie you can see over and over again. Its action and characters were the greatest ever. This is a must see for all !" (6/4/99)

ramsesny@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "Being someone blinded by the hype the first time I saw The Phantom Menace and all the negative reviews that critics gave to this movie, I am not surprised that some SW fans did not like this movie too much. However, I believe that the preceding sentence IS the reason why people did not like this film as much as the original trilogy. My advice to those who did not like the Phantom Menace... Watch it again, but this time objectively. Forget about the hype, the critic's reviews, and the original trilogy.. Just watch this film as it is and I am sure that you will like it MUCH better the second time around.. Like I did. As for my case, I have seen this movie 3 times already (planning on seeing it again next week)because I truly ENJOY this movie! I guess after I saw the movie the first time I was disappointed.. Soon thereafter, I thought about it for a long time and realized thatmy reasons for disliking the movie were unjustified and due to unfair comparison between this movie (which was just an intro-- a setup btw) and the original trilogy. Which brings me to my next point.. Guys and Gals! Get a grip! The Phantom Menace IS just an intro. Lucas did not mean it to have the profound character development and darkness that Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi had. In one way this movie resembled A New Hope. Like ANH, TPM just threw out all the main characters onto the scence without a proper introduction.. The characters were flat and 2-dimensional.. But hey! This has been Lucas' style for the first movie of both trilogies. I think that his approach is genius. Why? Well, just imagine how good the second and third episodess would be if all (or most) of the character development/plot had been used up in the first movie...That would be catastrophic! Since this first Episode IS just an intro with little character development (much like A New Hope was)it is unfair to compare this movie to Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi which were fantastic, serious, and dark plot-heavy sequels. I think too many people expected this movie to be like the Empire Strikes Back (for instance) which is why they were left disappointed. Trust me! the purpose of this movie is to have fun, to become acquainted with the characters, and to appreciate all the foreshadowing and cues that this movie set up magnificently for a darker, more plot-heavy Episode 2." (5/29/99)

clawhammer@bigfoot.com gives this movie  star: "I give it half a star. Why? 1-No likable heros and no hatable villians, 2-Rambling & Incoherent storyline 3-Cliche plot devices that don't serve any purpose 4-comic relief that's anything but comical or relieving 5-special effects that are special only in their abundance 6-a piecemeal script that serves the special effects rather than the plot... (the list could go on for days)" (5/27/99)

shooter@shooterdog.com gives this movie  stars: "Did George Lucas lose his mind? The movie was absolutely ruined because of the Jar Jar Binks character! You don't have to make a cartoon to get the kids interested." (5/26/99)

hmccorvey@tyler.net gives this movie  stars: "This was a good film. However, as I feared, Lucas strayed away from the bold and seriousness of the original triology. This was more a trip into Pee-Wee's playhouse than a serious, Star Wars blockbuster. Jar-Jar binks' antics and the unrealistic "predatory" fish scene really diminished the credibility of this film. However, it recovered very very nicely with the Jedi fight scenes at the end. A great film, but not deserving of its Star Wars heritage. The kids will love it!!!" (5/20/99)