"I’m gonna learn so much about being a woman, they’re gonna make me an honorary chick!"


Reviewed December 26, 2000 - Check out the What Women Want Website.

Studio Synopsis: Nick Marshall (Mel Gibson) was the ultimate man’s man. A charming, irrepressible bachelor living on the A-list of life, he loved listening to Sinatra and, like the Chairman of the Board himself, thought he had the world on a string. Then one night, in the privacy of his Rat Pack dream apartment, that string began to unravel when he got an unexpected jolt, which opened his eyes and ears more than he could have imagined. Or ever dreamed of. Now, Nick Marshall, hot shot advertising executive and self-proclaimed God’s gift to women, suddenly found that he had another gift -- when he discovered he could hear the inner most thoughts of every women he came in contact with.

Fuzzydog Review: A fun, lighthearted, sassy romantic comedy, What Women Want is one of those movies that's just very difficult not to like (and if you're in the right mood, like a lot).  With a wonderfully relaxed performance by Mel Gibson and some great supporting work by Helen Hunt, Marisa Tomei, Bette Midler and Alan Alda, this is the kind of film that happily suspends reality and sweeps you along for a brief ride into gender psyche fantasyland.  Ever want to know what the other side thinks?  Hmm...

It's a formula, yes, but in What Women Want, it's one that gets beyond being just a "one-joke" kind of experience.  Simply, this is a charming film with many charming characters, and seeing Mel Gibson flex his comedic muscles so ably was a treat in itself.  Despite its tad-too-long ending and its one-too-many subplots, this is a romantic comedy worth seeing and recommending...at least that's what I think, anyway...

Responses from cyberspace--thanks for writing!

shneb_2000@yahoo.com gives this movie  stars: "I think this movie was a little to drawn out and predictable, but yet very funny. The only thing that kept me entertained was the good choice in actors." (1/22/01)